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Womb Cycle Set

1,5 h  – 80 Евро

This coaching session is designed to help you build up a close connection to your inner menstrual cycle awareness.

Together we create a personalized cycle journal that reflects your artistic expression. This might be singing,/voicing dancing, painting, photography, poetry or other forms, we‘ll be looking for transformative experiences in your journaling. 

As expected: a woman's sexual behavior is intimately connected to her womb's life. The sexual drive in different menstrual cycle stages changes uniquely for each woman, as well as her (automatic) decision-making and energy state toward others.

Journaling the menstrual cyclical impact on your relation together with your partner for a period of a few months will be a relieving change for handling one of the most wanted related spheres: lovemaking together.

be inspired _ the four menstural womb cycles, somewhat generalized to find in every woman 

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Follicular phase
Spring of womb‘s cycle
5-7 days

Ovulatory phase

Summer of womb‘s cycle
10-14 days

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Luteal phase
Autumn of womb‘s cycle
7 days

Menstrual phase
Winter of womb‘s cycle
3-5 days

Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 12.18.46.png

Paintings art  by

@sojart Instagramm

Karolina ...

© 2023 enliveningarts    |   Impressum   |   +49 176 831 813 71

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