Taoistic Massage
1,5 h – 80 Евро
2 h – 130 Евро
count on about 20 min above booked time
a soothing and nurturing massage of your whole body that removes energetic blockages, and promotes deep relaxation in your body and mind, including a gentle touch of your yoni/lingam*
the session starts with a short meditation to calm down your present mood pace and to open up for spiritual connection expansion, as far as you would like to go
You experience a flow of long slow caring strokes over your body, balancing the flow of life force energy, known as qi or chi, which can help to release tensions and emotional blockages and so creating space for spiritual connection.
following meridian lines and focusing on chakras - the body's energy centers - we use gentle Thai stretches and yin-yang techniques, combined with trigger point work for emotional release.
To help move stagnant energy there is a prolonged abdominal massage included.
* a dedicated pleasure ritual for Yoni/ Lingam is included in Tantric Massage or Cashmeric Encounter